Louisiana Lou | Jazz Fest, New Orleans

This outfit came together by accident. I was on a mission for a boater hat and finally found one at the West Village Goorin Brothers shop. But of course they didn't have my size at that shop. Turned out the Park Slope location did, so I trooped there and snatched up the last size medium. Across the street, I noticed a little vintage store. Upon entering, I immediately saw the Pointer Brand overalls but the shop owner mention they might be too small for me. Out of curiosity, I gave the striped overalls a shot and glad I did because they fit like a glove. I lie, a little baggy in the leg but I gotta guy that can fix that problem. Paired them with double tank tops instead of a t-shirt because I knew it would get hot at Jazz Fest. I originally had on loafers but some of my followers on Instagram told me the Fest was still kinda muddy because of rain last weekend. So, that's how the Converse chucks came into play. I'd rather mess up those then my leather loafers. My Brera watch and Doori bracelet don't change often so you'll probably see them in a lot of my shots.

Any thoughts of this look? How would you styled this?


Images of me shot by Karen Blanchard